Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Casie Jill

I had so much fun with you Casie Jill! You are such a beautiful Spirit not to mention the beautiful body you inhabit. Here's a couple shots, more coming.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Baba's visit to Collen, Kathleen, Carleen, Kristeen and Carson, Aug 2010

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Here are some pictures I took of the three girls when we vacationed in Arizona in 2006.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Caleen's photoshoot at Grandma Baba's

It was such a treat to take pictures of Carleen when she came to visit Grandma a couple of weeks ago. Truly growing into a young lady! More coming soon!PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

Before and after Photoshop

I had so much fun taking pictures of my beautiful friend Cynthia. She asked for a little photoshop work and gave me permission to show what happens with a little assistance for those of us who would like some.

Cynthia beforeCynthia after
I intensified her eyes a bit, which were blown out from the flash, smoothed her skin and then took a little off the chin.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Colleen, Kathleen, and Carleen Rafey

I started taking pictures when my son was born in 1976. I was busy in Nursing School and then Anesthesia School, and I missed so much, that every minute I was with him, I captured on film.I have continued taking pictures over the years and now here are three of my beautiful granddaughters.123119019003011006055007004047020024021025016